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Using a Replication

This section of the documentation is for people using a replication package built with the Boa Study Template.

If you downloaded a replication package that utilizes the Boa Study Template, please continue reading for more details on how to use that package.

We strongly encourage you to utilize Visual Studio Code with the Boa Language and Infrastructure Extension installed. If you have that extension, you can avoid running terminal commands (like make) and instead simply open the study-config.json file to control what files you download, which analyses you run, etc.

If you plan to extend the replication package, beyond simply re-generating the paper's figures and tables, you will want to read up on Using the Template.


You need a GNU Make compatible build system. Tested on GNU Make 3.81, but should work with newer versions.

If you plan to re-run any of the analyses, you will also need Python. See the Python requirements for more information.

Note that the Boa jobs themselves should be marked public, so you do not need a Boa user to view the actual jobs/output via the website. However, the Boa API requires a user/password to use it, so programmatically downloading (even public jobs) currently requires authenticating. You can, however, manually download each of the query outputs from the public URLs.

Docker Support

If you have Docker installed, you can use the provided Dockerfile to build an image capable of running all the scripts. This is the easiest way to get a working environment. To build and run the image, run:

make run-docker

Once inside the container, you can run the make reproduce command to re-generate the figures and tables from the original paper. This will use the cached data and should avoid having to download output from Boa.

File Organization

The organization of a replication package is the same as in the original study. See the page on Paths for more information.

Getting Boa Output

NOTE: This step is only needed if you don't already have the output downloaded! If you downloaded, you can skip this step!

The first step is to run Boa queries to generate output TXT data for further processing: make txt

Processing the Boa Output

The Boa output is in a custom format, so first we convert it all into standard CSV format: make csvs

If you use the make data command instead of manually obtaining the outputs, you do not need to do anything else as it will call this target for you.

Generating Figures and Tables

To generate all the figures and tables for the paper, you need to run the analysis for each specific research question on the output from Boa. There is also a helper target to run all analyses:

make analysis

Note that this triggers download of any missing Boa query outputs. Or you can run all analyses on only the cached data:

make reproduce

If you want to run individual analyses, you can also do so. The specific target names will vary based on the specific replication package, but often they are named based on research question:

make rq1
make rq2

You can also run a single analysis on the cached data by adding -reproduce to the target name:

make rq1-reproduce
make rq2-reproduce